Notice convening the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Notice convening the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (The entire Book)

Notice convening the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Enclosure to the Notice convening the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Enclosure 1 Copy of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2023

Enclosure 2 Information of the proposed directors in replacement of those retired by rotation

Enclosure 3 Qualifications of Independent Director and Audit Committee’s member

Enclosure 4 The remuneration of the Board of Directors and Committees for 2023

Enclosure 5 Information of the proposed auditors for 2024

Enclosure 6 Capital Increase Report Form (F53-4)

Enclosure 7 Company's Articles of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting

Enclosure 8 Proxy Form

Form A ***Download here or request hard copy at [email protected]***

Form B ***Download here or request hard copy at [email protected]***

Form C ***Download here or request hard copy at [email protected]***

Enclosure 9 Information of Independent Directors who may be appointed as a proxy in the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Enclosure 10 Procedures on Registration, Documents required for attending, appointment of a proxy and voting at the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Enclosure 11 Requisition Form for the 2023 Annual Report

Enclosure 12 Route map of the Meeting Venue of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders


Remark: The Company has announced Privacy Notice, notifying shareholders of details about the collecting, use, and disclosure of your personal data, on the Company’s website at


Minutes of Shareholders

Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders


Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 One Report)

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 One Report)

Attachment 1 Directors, Executives, Controlling Person, the person assigned to take the highest responsibility in Accounting and Finance, the person assigned to take direct responsibility for accounting supervision and Company Secretary

Attachment 2 Committees and Directors of Subsidiaries

Attachment 3 Head of Internal Audit and Compliance Units

Attachment 4 Assets used in Business Operation

Attachment 5 Corporate Governance Policy, Business Ethics and Charter of the Board of Directors and Committees


SET Disclosure

21/5/2024  Plan in solving “CB” Caution

14/5/2024 Notification convening the Public Presentation for investors and concerning persons

14/5/2024 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2024

14/5/2024 Financial Performance Quarter 1 (F45) (Reviewed)

25/3/2024 Publication of the Notice convening the 2024 AGM on the Company's website

14/3/2024 Notification of the 2024 AGM, no dividend payment, the amendment of the AOA and capital increase

14/3/2024 Notification of conversion price calculation and paid-up capital increase registration 

12/3/2024 Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

12/3/2024 Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

11/3/2024 Notification of conversion price calculation and paid-up capital increase registration

7/3/2024 Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

7/3/2024 Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

29/2/2024  Plan in solving "C" Caution

29/2/2024  Issuance and offering of the Convertible Debentures No. 3/2024

29/2/2024  Notification of conversion price calculation and paid-up capital increase registration

28/2/2024  Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

28/2/2024  Report on the results of the Exercise of convertible debentures (F53-5)

22/2/2024  Financial Performance Yearly (F45) (Audited)

22/2/2024   Notification convening the Public Presentation for investors and concerning persons

22/2/2024  Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2023


Financial Information

14/5/2024 Financial Statement Quarter 1/2024 (Reviewed)

22/2/2024  Financial Statement Yearly 2023 (Audited)